The link/url/website above provides a much more comprehensive information regarding the effects or status ailments of skills from all the classes/jobs. In this blog, I modified only the names of the skills, and a little bit editing of the format from the original one. Thanks to skyhiker that posted the information at the URL I listed above! The information in this post only deals with the effects or status ailments of Int-type and Att-type of QiGong/Shaman.
ASR: Attack Speed Rate
RR: Recovery Rate / Regeneration Rate
RV: Recovery Value
ps: per second
[#s]: seconds
[p]: passive
ASR: Attack Speed Rate
weapon effect: Skills cast will depend on the element of the weapon
Note #2: [__s] denotes the number of seconds the effect lasts. So for example casting a Scroll of Flame will cause 100% possibility/chance of Burning effect to the monster/enemy, for 37 seconds (denotes by [37s])
ATT QiGong / Shaman
Scroll of Flame:100% burn [37s]
Scroll of Weakening: -20 def [56s]
Gaia Dragon Strike: 70% faint [1.6s]
Scroll of Ice:86% freeze, +30% ASR [26s]
Scroll of Frost: 76% freeze, +20% ASR [18s]
Scroll of Poison: 70% poison [20s]
Scroll of Stone: 96% petrochemical (90% decrease in movement & attack speed), +22% def [22s]
Team Agility: 100% movement speed, +0.01% HP+MP+SP RR [45s]
Lava Explosion: 70% burn [10s]
Frenzy Attack: +20% attack, -260 evasion [180s]
Spirit Summon: weapon effect
Paralyzed: -100% movement speed [4.5s]
Will 'o Wisp: to be updated
ETC & Passive QiGong / Shaman
Magnetic Shaft: -0.50% skill delay, +5 (?) attack [30s]
Soul Burn: to be updated
Vibra Blast:to be updated
Titan Will:+90 HP [p]
Titan Force: =180 HP [p]
Spear Mastery (ETC):+50 attack, +50 energy [p]
Spear Mastery (POW):+10% attack, +10 accuracy [p]
Genki Aura:+30% HP (add), +10 def [300s]
Enhanced Scroll of Effect:+50 energy, -1% MP RR [110s]
Note #3: The effect of Titan Will and Titan Force are different for each class. Titan Will will raise 20HP per grade/level for a Swordsman, but only 10 HP for a QiGong/Shaman. Titan Force on the other hand will raise 50 HP per grade/level for a Swordsman, but only 20 HP for a QiGong/Shaman.
Note #4:Although Titan Will and Titan Force increases lesser HP for QiGong/Shaman compared to other classes, remember that the QiGong/Shaman class is fortunately granted the Genki Aura skill which increases 30% HP when mastered. Therefore, a mastered Titan Will and a mastered Genki Aura, theoretically add an additional 90 x 1.3 = 117 HP for the QiGong/Shaman. A mastered Titan Force and a mastered Genki Aura, theoretically adds an additional 180 x 1.3 = 234 HP for the QiGong/Shaman. Example of the Hit Point (HP) and Status of QiGong/Shaman's that takes level 157 skills:
Other Useful Skills There are other useful skills that will give additional effects to the party, below lists these skills from the most useful to the least.
BURN [Fire/Blaze]: Burning/fire effect; HP decreases slowly; Attack speed reduced very slightly(?)
POISON [Poison/Venom]: Green poison effect; HP decreases moderately; Attack speed reduced slightly(?)
FREEZE [Ice/Glacier]: Blue ice effect; Movement + Attack speed reduced (40%); Susceptible to additional damage (20%)
PARALYSIS [Electric/Lightning]: Streaks of electricity; Movement + Attack speed greatly reduced (50-60%)
FAINT [Faint]: Momentary pause, character darkens/catches breath; Movement + Attack temporarily halted.
PETRIFICATION [Petrochemical]: Stone effect; Movement + Attack dramatically reduced (90%?), defense increases
CONFUSION [insufficent SP]: Character catches breath/gets dizzy; Attack and accuracy reduced by half
PUSH/PULL [skill-specific]: Character is physically pushed/pulled a distance(hehe), cancelling active skills
MOVEMENT SPEED [neutral skills - Slow, Cripple, Gravity, Paralyze,]: Movement speed reduced. This effect cannot be neutralized by Revitalize or Metal Body. However, it can be countered using skills that increase movement speed [Haste, Massive Haste, Lightspeed]
Movement / Movement Speed The INT skill Paralyzed is beautiful to look at, and quite deadly and effective in momentarily stopping the monsters/players on-track. This skill, in my opinion, is useful during War Guild ==> hunting/leveling ==> nd then PK. Paralyzed can cause -100% Movement Speed compared to mastered Gravity that can cause -70% movement speed. Imagine if you combined any one of the above-mentioned skill with the mastered skill of Scroll of Stone that can cause -96% movement speed.
Combination of skills that can decrease movement & movement speed includes the following:
Archer: Cripple Shot (-45% movement speed), Slow (-50% movement speed), Hunter's Snare (-100% movement)
QiGong: Enhanced Weakening (-40% attack/movement speed), Paralyzed (-100% movement speed), Gravity (-70 movement speed), Scroll of Stone (-96% movement speed), Meteor (-??% movement speed)
Combination of skills that can increase movement & movement speed includes the following:
Swordsman: Lightspeed (+50% movement speed)
Fighter: Lightspeed (+50% movement speed)
Archer: Lightspeed (+50% movement speed), Chrono Shift (+70% movement speed)
QiGong: Team Agility (+100% movement speed), Haste: +30% movement speed)
Maximum increasing of movement speed when you are in a party (without Speed Up box):
Swordsman: mastered Lightspeed + QiGong's mastered Team Agility = +150% movement speed
Fighter:mastered Lightspeed + QiGong's mastered Team Agility = +150% movement speed
Archer:mastered Lightspeed + mastered Chrono Shift + QiGong's mastered Team Agility = +220% movement speed
QiGong: mastered Team Agility + mastered Haste = +130% movement speed
A party comprised of 1-2 QiGong and 1-2 Archers with the following skills can maximize the decreasing of movement speed:
QiGong: cast mastered Enhanced Weakening, cast mastered Paralyzed, cast mastered Gravity, cast mastered Scroll of Stone = -300% movement speed
Summary of Movement Speed:
Archer is definitely built to be fast.
Whether Team Agility is casted or not, QiGong's movement speed is the slowest compared to the rest of the other classes. My question is, so why master Haste or Speed Up when you can use the skill points for other more useful skills?
If the Archers and QiGongs casts their negative movement speed skills together, theoretically a -495% movement speed is caused to the monsters/players. An enemy archer that casted +220% movement speed skills, with Speed Up Box is definitely immobilized.
Final Thoughts Some say that it is imperative for a QiGong/Shaman to master the Buff/packet skills @ INT, especially Inspire, Fortify, Revitalize, and Confusive Strike. I say, that depends. Mastering all the Buff skills @ INT serves only 1 utmost purpose, that is, for the party to hunt relatively easily without having to keep asking for the Buff/packet all the time. Below I provide other options related with the Buff/packet skills @ INT.
Option #1: Master ONLY Fortify and Confusive Strike. Raise your Inspire to Grade 4 or 5. Raise your Revitalize skill to Grade 7 or 8.
Option #2: Master ONLY Fortify and Confusive Strike. Raise your Inspire to Grade 6 or 7. Raise your Revitalize skill to Grade 8.
Option #2: Master ONLY Fortify and Confusive Strike. Raise your Inspire to Grade 7. Raise your Revitalize skill to Grade 9. (This is my build. Inspire Grade 7 serves better in regenerating the SP for higher level classes such as Swordsman/Fighter/Archer, especially those above level 160.)
Aside for the MUST TAKE Buffing/packet skills @ INT, a QiGong/Shaman MUST also MASTER the following skills (not in any particular order). These skills can also be considered MOST USEFUL SKILLS for any INT/ATT QiGong/Shaman, and they are:
Scroll of Vitality
Team Agility
Genki Aura
Magnetic Shaft
Titan Will
Titan Force
For an ATT-type or POW-type QiGong/Shaman, and if you wander whether you should take Spear Mastery (ETC) or Spear Mastery (POW), my answer is the following:
If your Pow is 158 (enough to master Genki Aura, after equipping yourself with 2 Aly Rings lvl 120, a +2 Pow Weapon, and a +1 Pow Beida Necklace), mastering Spear Mastery (ETC) will add 50 point to your attack, thereby raising it to 208. But if you master Spear Mastery (POW), this will add only 10% to your attack, or 158 x 1.1 = 173~174. The answer is therefore very obvious which skill you should take. Additionally, mastering Spear Mastery (ETC) will also add 50 Energy Value.
Note: Do not take Enhanced Scroll of Effect! This is a useless skill, raising your Energy Value only by an additional 50 point. A real waste of skill points!
If you are a Hybrid QiGong/Shaman that is like me, with a Vit+Att+Int+Str built, that means that you focus yourself to have a relatively high Vit/HP, followed by mastering 2 ATT skills (Gravity & Meteor), and taking majority of the INT skills, followed by taking only 1 STR skill (Genki Aura). If you have skill points to spare, then master Speed Up, Scroll of Stone, and/or Enhanced Weakening Scroll.
In my current opinion, Scroll of Stone is a much more useful skill during hunting andMVP-ing (fighting against bosses) instead of Weakening Scroll and Enhanced Weakening Scroll. During PK time, Scroll of Stone can also be a relatively useful skill. The downsides of this skill is that Scroll of Stone's petrochemical/stone ailment can be countered by:
Revitalize Grade 1,
Metal Body Grade 7, and
Can be neutralized by consuming the item, Refine Pill, purchase at NPC.
In my current opinion, as well, Weakening Scrolland Enhanced Weakening Scroll are useless skills during hunting and MVP-ing, because the monsters and bosses are scantly affected, if not, totally not affected by the negative/status ailments normally caused by the two skills. These two skills are only useful against human players, especially duringDueling, War Guild, and PK.
In terms of damage, there is no doubt that an ATT QiGong/Shaman that masters the Meteor skill has the highest single hit damageagainst monsters/bosses compared to other classes. For example:
Level: 170
Rings: 2 Rings lvl 120 (+7 Int each = +14 Int)
Weapon: +5 Int, +105 Energy Value weapon, +7 weapon upgrade, elemental weapon
Etc #1: Additional equipments that add Energy Value or Int (i.e. hat/earring/necklace)
Etc #1: Spear Mastery (ETC) is mastered
Damage #1:+/- 4400~5600(no Power Up, clear weather/day)
Damage #2:+/- 7030~9300 (with Power Up, no Critical, weather/day that supports your weapon's element, such as ice/electric/fire)
Note #5:GoDdEsS`cHaY of Mystic Peak Campus @ level unknown @ Ran Online Philippines has the highest known damage using Meteor, fully equipped, and with a Power Up against monsters reached 10183, against other players during PK reached 2425. Skills casted were mastered Frenzy Attack, mastered Enhanced Scroll of Effect. Weather is normal, and weapon is an EP elemental Spear +7. Proof:
Note #6:Shikibu of Sacred Gate Campus @ level 170 @ Ran Online Indonesia, my highest known damage using Meteor, against monsters reached 9030, against other players during PK reached +2200. Fully equipped, with a Power Up, normal weather, weapon is Iron God Wand +6 (non-elemental). Skills casted were mastered Frenzy Attack and Magnetic Shaft grade 2.
Consider This! Now take also into consideration the previous posting mentioning on Vitality or Hit Point. Do you want to be a Hybrid QiGong that masters Speed Up, Weakening Scroll, Enhanced Weakening Scroll, Scroll of Poison, Scroll of Stone, with high HP, but without any attacking skills with great damage at level 200? I call this build, the Hybrid Negative Ailments QiGong/Shaman. Or HNA QG.
Or.... do you want to be a Hybrid QiGong that inflicts anywhere from 4800~5700 damage to the monsters, with 2775~2776 HP at level 200, masters Scroll of Stone, Enhanced Weakening Scroll, and possibly just may have enough skill points to master Speed Up and Wrath of Gaia? I call this build, Hybrid Killer QiGong/Shaman, or HK QG.
There is no right or wrong in the build of your QiGong/Shaman. It just depends on your taste/preference.
Strengths & Weaknesses of HNA QG @ Level 200:
Built especially for Mostly Supportive Role ==> Regular Hunting/Leveling ==> PK ==>War Guild ==> Duel ==> Damage
Ineffective in damaging high level monsters/bosses
Effective in Supporting Role during PK, War Guild, Duel, Hunting
Effective in slowing down other human players during PK, War Guild, and Duel
Strengths & Weaknesses of HK QG @ Level 200:
Built especially for a Blend of Supportive & Killing Roles ==> Damage => Regular Hunting/Leveling ==> PK ==> Duel ==> War Guild
Effective in damaging high level monsters/bosses
Effective in Supporting and Offensive Roles during PK, War Guild, Duel, & Hunting
Relatively ineffective in slowing down other human players during PK, War Guild, and Duel
The above information is solely for QiGong/Shaman class.
If you want to see other classes such as Fighter, Swordsman, Archer, and/or QiGong/Shaman with other levels, check out the following URL ==>
If you want to check out information related to Quest Guide, check out the following URL ==>
I noticed that the Philippine's Ran Online forum has much better information than Indonesia's Ran Online forum, albeit the fact that they used mainly Tagalog and some English languages.
The information below is based on the pure/naked stats prior to wearing equipments, weapon, rings, necklace, earring, hat, glasses. The information below is also pure/naked stats prior to the distribution of additional points from leveling up and prior to the distribution of additional points from quests.
You need 175 Pow Stat Points to master Genki Aura, increasing 30% (0.3) of your Hit Point (HP).
A level 162 QiGong/Shaman (no equipments, no ring, no weapon, no earring, no necklace) with 175 Pow Stat Points, has a Hit Point (HP) of 1149. After casting mastered Genki Aura, her HP will be boosted to 1493.7 (or 1494). Her HP of 1494 is before the distribution of stat points earned from leveling up, and before points earned from quests.
A level 162 QiGong/Shaman wearing only 2 level 120 Vanish Ring (each ring increases 25 HP), has a HP of 1149 + 50 = 1199. After casting mastered Genki Aura, her HP will become 1199 x 1.3 = 1558.7 (1559).
As mentioned above, you need 175 Pow Stat Points to master Genki Aura. This skill does not have any prerequisite skill to take, except that you must reach a minimum of level 57, and that you must have the sufficient skill points (minimum 6). A Level 1 Genki Aura only requires 6 skill points.
To save yourself from over distributing your STAT POINTS into POW in order to take Genki Aura, it is best that you equip yourself with 2 Aly Ring (increases Pow at your STAT POINTS), an weapon that increases Pow at your STAT POINTS, and Beida Necklace (obtained from the boss CRUEL JUPITER located at the PRACTICE YARD, or you can borrow from a friend, or buy from someone who has it).
For your information, if you are at level 200, you will have a total of 65 Pow at your STAT POINTS. Therefore you need only increase 105 more points to your Pow. Equip yourself with a weapon that increases 2 or 3 points to your Pow, the Beida necklace, and 2 Aly Rings Lvl 120 (+7 Pow each, +14 Pow both).
The math formula at level 200, distribute 93 STAT POINTS to your Pow, therefore, 93 + 65 Pow (lvl 200) + 14 Pow (2 Aly Rings lvl 120) + 2 Pow (weapon +2 Pow) + 1 Pow (Beida necklace) = 175. Voila! You can master Genki Aura. Unequipped the 2 Aly Rings, the weapon, and Beida necklace, your Pow reverts back to 158. You saved 14 Stat Points in total.
If, however, you mastered Genki Aura at level 162, this means that you have distributed 104 STAT POINTS to your Pow. See the difference? 93 vs 104. You wasted 11 Stat Points.
If you mastered Genki Aura at level 162, by the time you reached level 200, your Pow would reached 104 + 54 + 11 = 169.
There is pro and cons, regarding whether or not you should master Genki Aura early or late. I mastered Genki Aura relatively early, and therefore it is no doubt that I will reset my Stats and Skill again by the time I reached level 200.
Consider This - Part Un! Level 170 QiGong/Shaman Hybrid Vit+Int+Att+Str with 513 Stat Points, and before addition points from Quests:
Pow: 6 + 50 (additional points automatically added from leveling up, level 1 to 170) = 56 + 102 stat points (to master Genki Aura) = 158
Int: 50 + 126 (additional points automatically added from leveling up, level 1 to 170) = 176 + 293 stat points (to take skill level 157) = 469
Dex: 10 + 55(additional points automatically added from leveling up, level 1 to 170) = 65
Vit: 30 + 676(additional points automatically added from leveling up, level 1 to 170) = 708 + 118 stat points = 826(final Vit, before Genki, with no equipments, no necklace, no weapon, no earring, no rings)
Stm: 6 + 439(additional points automatically added from leveling up, level 1 to 170) =445
HP:54 + 1149(additional points automatically added from leveling up, level 1 to 170) = 1203 + 201 (from 118 distributed stat points) = 1404 + 50 (from 2 Vanish Rings lvl 120) = 1454 + 80 (from level 8 Titan Will) = 1534 x 1.3 (from mastered Genki) = 1994 (final HP, with no equipments, no necklace, no weapon, no earring).
MP:65 + 163(additional points automatically added from leveling up, level 1 to 200) = 228 + 140 (from 293 stat points) = 609
SP: 6 + 465 = 471
Level 200QiGong/Shaman Hybrid Vit+Int+Att+Str with 603 Stat Points, and before addition points from Quests:
Pow: 6 + 59 (additional points automatically added from leveling up, level 1 to 200) = 65 + 93 (distributed stat points (to master Genki Aura) = 158
Int: 50 + 149 (additional points automatically added from leveling up, level 1 to 200) = 199 + 270 stat points (to take skill level 157) = 469
Dex: 10 + 64 = 74 (64 additional points automatically added from leveling up, level 1 to 200)
Vit: 32 + 796(additional points automatically added from leveling up, level 1 to 200) = 828 + 240 (distributed stat points) = 1068(final Vit, before Genki, with no equipments, no necklace, no weapon, no earring, no rings)
Stm: 6 + 517(additional points automatically added from leveling up, level 1 to 200) =523
HP: 54 + 1353(additional points automatically added from leveling up, level 1 to 200) = 1407 + 408 (from 240 distributed stat points) = 1815 + 50 (from 2 Vanish Rings lvl 120) = 1865 + 90 (from mastered Titan Will) + 180 (from mastered Titan Force) = 2135 x 1.3 (from mastered Genki) = 2775~2776 (final HP, with no equipments, no necklace, no weapon, no earring)
MP: 65 + 193 (additional points automatically added from leveling up, level 1 to 200) = 258 + 351 (from 270 distributed stat points) = 609(final MP, with no equipments, no necklace, no weapon, no earring)
SP: 6 + 548 = 554(final SP, with no equipments, no necklace, no weapon, no earring)
What if you don't take level 127, 147, and/or level 157 skills? You would surely have additional Stat Points to distribute to your Vitality.... Do the math(ematic) on your own, and you would be surprised by how high your Hit Point (HP) can really go with this hybrid build...
What if you take into account the bonus Stat Points received from Quests?
What if you take into account the bonus Points received from full equipments, weapon, necklace, hat/glasses, earring, and pet skill?
What if you take into account additional increase in your Character's Stats if you mastered other skills, and/or if another player cast enhancing spell? For example, Magnetic Shaft, Frenzy Attack, etc.?
Ran Online Indonesia (Episode 2-3: Prison Test Zone) This is the latest episode in Ran Online Indonesia, Episode 2-3, offering a new map, new monsters, bosses, and equipments. The current maximum level is 180 in Ran Indonesia. As far as I know, there are only a few people in Ran Online Indonesia with their levels above 170.
There are at least 3 players from the Sacred Gate (SG) campus whose level reached 175, they are-LyNn-, `Yuri, and `putty_. All three are archers. As far as I know, `Yuri was the first one at Ran Online Indonesia to reach level 175.
Other players I know whose levels are above 170 includeRevalinafrom Phoenix Hole campus, and natalfrom Mystic Peak campus. Both Revalina and natal are archers as well.
I am not sure whether there are any other players from Mystic Peak and Phoenix Hole campuses. I am pretty sure there are. As far as I know, aside from the five archers thehighest QiGong/Shaman from the Sacred Gate campus is still held byShikibu at level 169 (+29.56% experience).
I got tired of hunting for experience by the end of October, and got even more tired by November. But with the introduction of the new Prison Test Zone map (minimum requirement to enter is level 170), I am anxious to level up again. But the experience gained from killing monsters are really puny!
Prison Test Zone Note:To see the complete list on Prison Test Zone, refer to the following URL:
Looking at the map of Prison Test Zone, I could not find a red dot, referring to aNon-Playable Character (NPC)where you can save, purchase and/or restock your potions, etc. This probably means that you have to restock or purchase your potions at the NPC located at the Prison Zone map.
Disclaimer: I got the pictures and profiles below from the URL link above. Thx a bunch!
Shikibu's Remark:I read from that monsters at Prison Test Zone are "packed tightly." Additionally, they are set as onaggressive mode. In other words, these monsters will seek out the nearest player/s and engage their attacks. Therefore it is indeed wisdom to engage these monsters with a carefully selected party members!
Monsters Name: Deadly Gamu Gamo Level: 188 Skill: Poison Attack Spawn: Laboratory Waiting Room - Poison Test Center
Name: Poisonous Gamu Gamo Level: 188 Skill: Poison Attack Spawn:Laboratory Waiting Room - Poison Test Center
Name: Fiery Gamu Gamo Level: 188 Skill: Poison Attack Spawn:Laboratory Waiting Room - Poison Test Center
Name: Higad Level: 188 Skill: Poison Attack Spawn:Laboratory Waiting Room - Poison Test Center
Name: Bronze Higad Level: 188 Skill: Poison Attack Spawn:Laboratory Waiting Room - Poison Test Center
Name: Silver Higad Level: 188 Skill: Poison Attack Spawn:Laboratory Waiting Room - Poison Test Center
Shikibu's Remark #1:Since monsters with Poison skill can implement poisonous state to the player, this means that the player's Hit Point (HP) will drop at a certain fixed rate due to the negative status effect. To counter this, the QiGong/Shaman's Revitalize skill is useful.
Another way to prevent or reduce the Poison skill from the monsters is toincrease the Poison resistance of your equipments. Currently my level 165 equipments have a +4 Poison resistance, with the exception of my glove, that is, a +5 Poison resistance.
It is also wisdom to increase all the elemental resistance stats with your equipments, because they are useful to resist or handle monsters' or enemies' (during PK time) elemental attacks that come either from their weapons or skills. Name: Mad Driller Level: 188 Skill: Next Divides, Mechanical Drill, Revolving Attack Spawn:Laboratory Waiting Room / Tunnel / 1st & 2nd Laboratory / Waste Management Facility - Poison Test Center
Shikibu's Remark #2:Against monsters with the skill known as Revolving Attack, like the Mad Driller and Mad Smasher, one should be careful because these monsterscan cancel your attack/skill. Revolving Attack is not a skill that a QiGong/Shaman of Int/Att type finds friendly at all. In fact, this Revolving Attack is one of the most hated skill from a QiGong/Shaman's point of view. Stand a certain distance away from monsters with Revolving Attack skill! Paralyze/Stone these monsters quickly to slow down their movement ability to conjure the Revolving Attack! Name: Crazy Bomber Level: 188 Skill: Bomb Attack Spawn:1st & 2nd Laboratory / Waste Management Facility / Special Laboratory - Poison Test Center
Name: Lead Miner Level: 188 Skill: Iron Hook, Wooden Club Attack Spawn:Special Laboratory - Poison Test Center
Name: Alien Archer Level: ??? Skill:??? Spawn: Poison Test Center
Name: Ultimate Destroyer Level: 299 Skill: Axe Attack Spawn: Laboratory 7 or Seventh Laboratory - Poison Test Center
Name: Giant Hawk Level: 299 Skill: Fist Attack (The most dangerous boss) Spawn: Laboratory 7 or Seventh Laboratory - Poison Test Center Profile: Height 6.5 meter Damage: +/- 2000
Shikibu's Remark #3:With monsters like Giant Hawk and perhaps Ultimate Destroyer, it is wisdom to have your Hit Point (HP) above 2000. I have read from other forums that Giant Hawk's can inflict a damage point of 2000 (and maybe more). My current HP of 1855 (with Genki Aura mastered) will absolutely be horrendous to my ability to fully enjoy fighting against Giant Hawk. But, the consolation comes from the fact that I am only at level 169, it is with much anticipation that by the time I reached higher levels, my HP would surpass the 2000 mark! New Equipments & Weapons
Shikibu's Remark #4:Since I play a QiGong/Shaman, I will only display the profiles and pictures only related to QiGong/Shaman.
Note:To see the complete list on Prison Test Zone, refer to the following URL:
Disclaimer: I got the pictures and profiles below from the URL link above. Thx a bunch!
Name #1: B Lvl Rock xxx (Level 185) Name #2: B Lvl Rock xxx (+) /( Chg) (Level 190) Name #3: A Lvl Rock xxx (+) /( Chg)(Level 195)
Name : Honor Mystical Spear Power: 431
Name: Honor Dead Spirit Wand Level: 190
Shikibu's Remark #5:As of Monday, December 24, 2007, the list of Shikibu's key non-attack skills include the following...
Fortify (9)
Confusive Strike(9)
Revitalize (8)
HP Transfer(3)
Scroll of Vitality(8)
Speed Up(3)
Team Agility(9)
Frenzy Attack(9)
Magnetic Shaft(2)
Genki Aura (9)
Additionally, Shikibu's attack skills include the following...
Wrath of Gaia(2)
Scroll of Stone(5)
Gaia Dragon Strike (3)
Scroll of Flame (4)
Vampiric Attack (3)
Shikibu's Final Thoughts
Myfuture planis with Stat Pointsis to masterMeteor(2 more points), Revitalize(1 more point), Inspire(5 more points), Titan Will(n/a), Titan Force(n/a), andMagnetic Shaft(n/a).
Remaining skill points will go to either mastering Scroll of Stone, mastering Enhanced Weakening ScrollandScroll of Weakening, or, mastering Scroll of Stone, Speed Upand HP Transfer.
Character status points will definitely, no doubt whatsoever, go to Vitality.